Quickly and confidently pitch top agents...even if you’re brand new to publishing.
Inside, I’ll teach you the proven system that has helped my clients and students land their dream agents and book deals. I’ll give you all the tools, support, and personalized advice you need to make your query stand out from the slush pile.
Before working with Tiffany, I had almost given up hope of securing traditional publishing for my memoir. Tiffany held my hand through the process of creating a polished proposal. She helped me find the best agents for my project, and cheered me on when the proposal requests and offers came in.
Why is it so hard to land a literary agent?
Why is it so hard to land a literary agent?
The bad news: Agents regularly tell me that their inboxes are slammed with more queries than ever before. That means it’s more important than ever for you to stand out. You cannot simply dash off the same query letter to a zillion different agents and cross your fingers!
The good news: If you’ve been ignored or rejected, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your book. It might just be your strategy and/or your query.
Many of my students came to me after being rejected, or worse— completely ignored—sometimes for years. Then, armed with a killer query and savvy strategy, they landed dream agents and book deals…for the very same books!
Now it’s your turn.
Yes! Let's find My Agent!
Before working with her, I’d queried agents and gotten no response despite having the opening chapter of my book published in a major journal.
Three mistakes most authors make when querying agents
Three mistakes most authors make when querying agents
They don’t understand how their books fit into the market. This makes it incredibly difficult to write a query that shows off their book’s potential.
They don’t know which agents are truly right for their book. They end up targeting agents who were never going to be interested, when the right agents were out there the whole time.
They don’t effectively personalize their query letters. Without having laid the groundwork, they can’t highlight what each individual agent really needs to see before saying yes.
that lead to rejection
When they get rejected, they mistakenly believe their book sucks and that they’re not good enough to ever be an author.
But it wasn’t their book that failed…just their approach!
Of course, you don’t….yet. You're new to the industry, but everything you'll need to thrive can be learned.
I’ve been on both sides of the proverbial desk: as an author querying my heart out and also as an editor, reviewing queries. I know what it took to get my attention, so I’ve created this course to help you get noticed.
You CAN do this!
Just because you can write a book (hello, badass author!) doesn’t mean you magically know how to sell it to the New York publishing industry.
After a year of sending out my proposal and getting rejected, I found Tiffany. I am pleased to say working with her paid off. I recently pitched five agents, and within a day, I heard back from three that had requested the full proposal. I am shocked at how quickly Tiffany helped me open the door to so much attention. Working with her has been one of the best investments I have made in my business career.
I’m an award-winning traditionally published author and writing coach. I have an MFA in creative writing, more than 15 years experience in the publishing industry, and have written for places like The New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, GQ, The Week, and NPR’s “All Things Considered.”
I’ve been on both sides of the desk—as a writer pitching my heart out, and as a gatekeeper reviewing queries from publicists and writers. I know what it takes to get an agent or publisher’s attention.
My clients and students have traditionally published with big NY houses and smaller literary presses, self-published, won awards, reached #1 Amazon bestseller status, and been featured in places like the LA Times, Narratively, McSweeney’s, Harpers, and The Atlantic.
Workbook to help you recognize and impress the right agents for your book
Swipe file of easy personalized openings
Worksheets to easily distill your entire book into 200 attention-getting words
Cheat sheet to write your bio, even if you don’t have an MFA, big platform, or publishing experience
Book Proposal Template
Say goodbye to Writer’s Block! With my TEMPLATE VAULT, you will never have to start from the blank page. I’ll give you more than 30 pages of helpful tools, including…
Synopsis worksheet to distill your entire book into a compelling 1-3 pages
Customizable submission tracker to stay organized
Follow up script that prompts responses
5 questions to ask an agent when they make an offer
To ensure your success, I’ll walk you through each step with templates, worksheets, cheat sheets, and examples.
Example Synopses & Sample Query Letters
• Determine how your book fits into the market
• Go behind the paywall of the best sites for finding agents
• See what sets agents apart from each other
• Learn what agents really need to see in a query (give them no more, no less)
• Quickly convey the essence of your entire book in 1-2 dynamic paragraphs
• Write a strong author bio, even if you don’t have an MFA, big platform, or publishing experience
• Query the right agents in the right order to maximize your odds
• Smoothly navigate tricky online forms and submission managers
• Connect with agents and publishers at events
• Learn the keys to an attention-grabbing writing sample
• Write an engaging synopsis (for fiction)
• Discover the secrets to a book proposal that sells (for nonfiction)
To ensure your success, I’ll walk you through each part of the querying process with templates, worksheets, cheat sheets, and examples. Get in now so we can talk about your book!
• What to look for in a good agent
• What to do when you don’t hear back
• How to respond to an agent who rejects your book
• What to do when you get THE CALL. 🎉 (Celebrate, yes, but there’s more to it!)
You have a book, now how do you talk about it? How do you engage the audience and get them interested in learning more? How can you develop your stage presence so you feel confident when standing in front of an audience?
In this video training, you'll learn the Speaking Your Brand framework so you can easily create your presentation from your book idea. You'll also learn strategies to handle nerves, build confidence, and engage your audience.
Social media is not the only—or even the best—way to develop an author platform. If you're great at social and have an audience that will directly lead to book sales, fabulous! If not, don't fret. There are so many faster, and usually more effective, ways to show agents that you're credible and that you can get word out.
I'll teach you how to get started with my top 5 fastest ways to an author platform.
BONUS 2: BUILD CREDIBILITY with Public Speaking
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No questions asked! I won’t make you submit homework or jump through hoops, but please treat me with mutual respect. Don’t be the person who quickly downloads everything just to ask for a refund, which I can see that in my platform’s backend. It’s unkind.
Almost every single day. And the vast majority of my agented and published students are first time authors.
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s both! Access my core modules on your own time and at your own pace with recorded video lessons, written summaries, and downloadable templates. Then come to LIVE office hours for personalized advice. If you can't make the call, you can still submit a question and review watch the replay.
Of course not. Even the most famous author can’t 100% rely on getting their next book published if it’s not up to snuff. If anyone guarantees you a book deal, run the other way as fast as you can! They’re either lying or they’ve signed a pact with the devil and you want no part of that juju. I’ll use my 15+ years of experience to give you the tools and advice to ensure you feel confident and appear professional to maximize your chances, but you’ll still have to execute a top-notch book.
Don’t worry if you’re not famous or don’t have a million social followers. Most of my authors don’t have large platforms. Now, if you’re writing prescriptive nonfiction, you will definitely need credibility, so we’ll talk about different ways of demonstrating that inside the course. My Platform-Building Bonus section and guest speakers will give you a huge jumpstart.
Plus, if you pay in full you’ll get free access to my course As Seen in Academy, which will teach you how to get featured in big media, even if you’re a new writer.
Trust me that you’re in good company! The majority of my authors came to me in just this situation. In so many cases, their books weren’t the problem. It was just their strategy and approach. I’ll teach you exactly how I’ve helped them go from rejection (or worse, being totally ignored), to getting multiple requests and sometimes multiple offers from agents vying for their books.
No. I wanted to make this as accessible as possible, and at this price point, I can’t read or edit materials. I do occasionally have 1:1 packages with feedback for alumni, so you will be notified if/when those open up.
The templates, scripts, and worksheets are all downloadable, so they’re yours to keep forever. You’ll have access to the course platform and all lessons for six months.
“I quickly got my first two bites!"
I sent a dozen queries before I watched Tiffany's videos, and I received no positive responses. After taking Tiffany's course and doing the work, I found 32 agents that might like my comic horror fantasy. I sent a batch of twelve personalized queries and quickly received my first two bites. Tiffany's method takes work, but it's well worth the effort!
Yes, It Really Works
“Tiffany helped me see that approaching agents and editors does not have to be an emotional roller coaster ride.”
Tiffany’s practical advice and common sense approach to writing, editing, and publishing have been invaluable. Tiffany instills confidence in the writers she mentors. More than anything, she wants you to succeed and to find the fulfillment you seek as an artist.
“My query letter quickly got noticed by agents. One of whom is now representing my book!"
Tiffany is Amazing. She knows what needs to get done and can make a map of how to get there. I am eternally grateful for her help in crafting a query letter that got noticed by agents.